Ινστιτούτο Γενετικής (ΝΕΟ ΕΡΓΟ)
Nέο κτήριο, το οποίο θα έχει έκταση περίπου 10,000 τετραγωνικών μέτρων, θα ανεγερθεί δίπλα από το υφιστάμενο κτήριο του Ινστιτούτου.
Nέο κτήριο, το οποίο θα έχει έκταση περίπου 10,000 τετραγωνικών μέτρων, θα ανεγερθεί δίπλα από το υφιστάμενο κτήριο του Ινστιτούτου.
Building complex: 7.226 square m - 6 levels It will home research area, teaching areas, offices for the academic and administrative staff and support spaces.
Αγία Βαρβάρα (Λευκωσία)
A multi-storey building comprised of shops,common garden areas, mezzanine, offices and apartments.
The building consists of two stores located on the ground floor with large retail spaces and hanging mezzanines, and three floors specifically designed for office use. There are two basement levels for parking.
Environmental Information and Education Centre at Cavo Greco, one of the first buildings in Cyprus, designed to take into account its environmental surroundings.
We are a Class “A” Construction Company who carries out challenging Construction projects, throughout Cyprus, Europe and the Middle East. Providing solutions to ever-changing demands in our field. With priority the satisfaction of our costumers, the safety of our staff and the environment. By acknowledging the importance of sustainable growth, we have adopted specific procedures for Health and Safety, Quality Control and the protection of our environment, including the effective use of equipment, effective waste management - reuse - utilization and energy saving initiatives.
We provide guidance to our people through regular training programs in order to achieve high levels of skills and knowledge of the construction tools and machinery.
Our Company is leading the way in establishing and applying innovating Construction Techniques since 1985.
Learn More About Our CompanyΝέο κτήριο Αγγλικής Σχολής
Το Επαρχιακό Δικαστήριο Αμμοχώστου θα λειτουργεί ως χωριστό Δικαστήριο και θα στεγάζεται μέχρι την επιστροφή στη Αμμόχωστο σε νεόδμητο κτήριο στο Δήμο Παραλιμνίου
Building Restoration, Archaeological Preservation, New Buildings
Headquarters of one of the biggest banking institutions in Cyprus. Reinforced Concrete Structure Consisted of Three 7-storey buildings (Integrated Office Complex) Three 4-storey apartment blocks, 2 underground levels, External works, Road works.
Since 1985